A round up of the latest media hits, news, storytelling, and research from around the democracy reform space.
The Let America Vote Act would ensure every eligible voter’s freedom to vote in every taxpayer-funded federal election
In more than half of the states this year, there was zero general election competition for the U.S. House.
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Top-four elections continue to demonstrate positive impact
Nation’s capital adopts open primaries and 6.6M+ voters demand reform nationally, but political establishment succeeds in maintaining the status quo in a highly polarized environment
Disentangling gerrymandering and geographic sorting
Excluding independents from primaries leaves out 23 million ideologically diverse and pragmatic voters.
Almost half of all voters now forgo party labels, and are particularly vulnerable to exclusion under closed primary rules.
Explore our interactive map to see which states are pursing key electoral reforms this year, potentially reshaping their future political landscapes.
Enhancing Democracy: The Benefits of Instant Runoff Voting in Diverse Communities
How partisan primaries limit voter choice, power, and representation.
Independent Voters and the Problem with Closed Primaries
Check out our latest research on Alaska's election system
American Enterprise Institute describes why conservatives should embrace structural election reforms as a solution to government dysfunction